About me!

I am a Ph.D. researcher in the domain of robotics and automation at IISER Bhopal. My specialization is in the area of multi-agent reinforcement learning. In particular, I am interested in the problem of generalized persistent monitoring by a team of cooperative multi-agent systems that arises in several applications like border patrol and security.

For this thesis topic, I have been nominated and awarded the Prime Minister Research Fellowship (PMRF)

Previously, I had completed my Bachelors and Masters in Physics from IISER Bhopal. I worked in the domain of theoretical high-energy physics and machine learning as part of my Masters thesis.

I am fuelled by the passion and desire for learning. I am passionate about software, computers, and technology. I love cycling, playing Basketball, and learning new spoken languages in my free time. I strive to be a better version of myself today than what I was yesterday.

Moonlab, IISER Bhopal

I am a member of the multi-robot autonomy lab aka moon lab at IISER Bhopal headed by my advisor Prof. P.B. Sujit. As the name suggests, moon lab majorly focuses on creating multi-robotic autonomous vehicles that can carry out a variety of tasks.

Cool Robots

For a researcher in robotics and controls, life would be incomplete without hardware robots to test out their hypothesis and get an effective realization of their outputs. Here one can a list of all the cool robots/drones we have access to at moonlab.

Ongoing works

Working with a team and contributing to several projects is essential in improving several skill-sets and being disciplined in the Ph.D. journey. Here is a list of all the ongoing projects where I am involved in and which also contributes to my current thesis work.

Outreach and Hobbies

When I am not coding or flipping through research papers, you'll find me in the gym or on the court shooting some hoops. I enjoy participating in outreach teaching events in nearby institutes.

  • Teaching Activities

    I enjoy teaching students and being part of inhouse and outhouse teaching assistantship in different courses. You can find a list of TA duties in here.

  • Blogging

    In my free time, I let my ponder and have recently started penning my thoughts into words. This is my humble attempt towards blogging.

  • Photography

    Below are few of the nature photographs that I have clicked over time. This section is just a side hobby along my academic journey.

  • Basketball

    I enjoy playing Basketball in the evenings after an intense day at the lab. Here are some of the memories I have associated with this sport.


Contact Me

Feel free to contact me via email or follow me on social media using the links below.